Monday, 7 April 2014

Zynga Poker Hack

Let me guess you have come here looking for the best Zynga Poker Hack around. Right? You have come to the right place. There will be a video below where you can see the program in action. There is also a download button. Don't worry there are no surveys attached to this, all i ask is a thank you either here or on my Youtube page just simply subscribe or like the video.

Anyway to the point!

The program will add as many coins to your account as you wish, you don't need to enter your password or anything like that just your email. Why? We need this to identify your account. We don't want the coins going to anyone else do we! Once you click "Add Chips" it may take a while between 2 to 5 minutes based on how many people are using the program at once. Basically the program goes off to ours servers which we have programmed to hack the Zynga systems and give you the coins.

How Long Will This Work?

Who knows, it took us 2 weeks to program this system, so we can only hope for longer then that, i will be taking this page down when the hack has been patched and i will re upload when or if we decide to make a new hack.

Can I Use This More Then Once?

Yes. Although we would prefer you to only use this once. Why? The more people who use it the more Zynga will catch on.

The Program Is Giving Me A Error!

Simply Re download the program and start again. Due to the program been experimental, we found it takes sometimes 3 attempts to work. But most time's it only takes once.

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